Tips for Painting Window Frames Interior


Tips for Painting Window Frames Interior

Window frames are a feature of most homes and if you’re looking for a new look, painting them can be the solution. You can paint the outside of the frame to match your siding or change the color to something else altogether.

Interior window frames are often left unpainted and bare, but with some prep work, you can get them just as beautiful as the exteriors. Here are some steps to help you achieve the perfect window frame:

Prep the Frame

First, move any furniture out of the way and carefully clean the trim, frames and grilles of any dirt, dust or grime with a damp sponge. If the windows are double-hung, remove the top sash and slide it down to expose the frame.

Then, cover the floor beneath the window or door with a drop cloth and use a piece of painter’s tape to mask the case molding on both sides, both at the juncture of the frame with the inner window or door trim as well as the wall surface surrounding it. It’s best to cut the tape at a 45-degree angle and overlap it where necessary.

Fill any cracks or holes with wood filler (Wilko’s Knot a Problem is a good option). Leave the filler to dry completely before applying paint.

Sand the edges

Using a fine grit sandpaper, gently sand the edges of the window frames to smooth them out. This will prevent any gaps between the wood and glass, ensuring that the paint will adhere properly.

Make sure to keep the sanding done in a well-ventilated area and wear safety goggles when you’re sanding. Once the sanding is complete, apply primer to any areas of bare wood.

Next, clean any loose or flaking paint on the frames with a large putty knife and scrape it off. This is essential for preparing your window frames to receive a new coat of paint.

A good quality putty knife is a must to get the job done quickly and efficiently, but if you don’t have one, you can buy a triangle-shaped shave hook that will work just as well.

If you are a bit more ambitious and you can afford to spend a bit more money, sanding the frame will give it a much better finish. You can then paint over it with a high-quality acrylic paint.

Choose a color that complements your home’s exterior and is in keeping with the style of the rest of your property. Depending on the type of house you have, you may want to consider using a neutral color for your window frames.

For a rustic look, you can also stain the frames to match the wood of the window and its surrounding trim. This will bring out the beauty of the sanded wood and create a more natural, rustic look for your home.

The most important part of painting any window frame is to do it right. A little preparation goes a long way to ensure that the finished product looks great and will last for years to come.

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